
Pet Care Services

All of the services that we currently offer are listed below and linked to their own web page that offers more detail about what the service entails, pricing, etc. As always, if you require a service that is not listed, or have any questions please contact us here.

Dog Walking

Long hours keeping you away? Working from home but Fido has other ideas? Put us in the game so Fido gets in his steps allowing you to work in peace. [read more …]

Pet Sitting

Have to be away? Feeling guilty about what to do with your furry pal? We offer stress-free, professional pet care in the comfort of your own home. [read more …]

Overnight Pet Sitting

Pets with special needs? Pets that require additional companionship? We’ll sleep-over for that extra security & peace of mind while you travel. [read more …]

Cat & Critter Care

Looking to keep your finicky cat happy while you’re away? We understand how sensitive kitties and other critters can be. Let us care for them in their own safe, comfortable surroundings. [read more …]

Pet Taxi

Need to be two places at once? Fido can’t drive? Save yourself the time & hassle! Let us transport your pet to the vet, groomer, training class or daycare. One way or round trip! [read more …]